Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mia where are you???

We were busy busy around the house the other morning cleaning this and straightening up that when we realised we hadn't seen Mia in awhile. We asked Lai where sissy was and she didn't know so we started checking each room calling for Mia. We were never worried, knew she was just hiding somewhere, but where was it this time? We checked our bedroom and didn't see her, as I was closing the door I heard...hi! I opened the door again, and there she was! It was hilarious, and oh so cute, so of course I grabbed Ben and the camera....what a silly girl! How did she get in there without messing up any of my pillows!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging! I have been very anxious for you to join the bandwagon!

    Ok, I feel like the lamest person but I don't know if Craig sent you the email after we had our little guy...You'll have to check out our blog some time so you can see pictures if not.

    Man, we are missing you guys Jessie! We need some friends up here in a bad way. Where are all of the young people on Mercer Island? Wishing we were closer so our girlies could play.

    Miss you lots, can't wait to see more pictures!
